Tag Archives: web series premiere

‘The Jeff Lewis 5-Minute Comedy Hour’ premieres on YouTube

As promised, the first episode of The Jeff Lewis 5-Minute Comedy Hour is here!  The (web) series premiere “Tag” stars comedian Jeff Lewis (The Guild) and fellow Guild castmates Brett Sheridan and siblings Vince & Tara Caso.  There’s minor instances of NSFW language, so beware.  The video is embedded after the break.  In my opinion the preview episode “Dinner” screened at Comic Con’s Celebrate the Web panel is laugh out loud hilarious on a whole different level for its gracious use of explitives and gross humor; but that’s just me.

The ten-episode first season was written by Lewis and directed by Sean Becker (The Guild, Awkward Pictures).  Guest stars will include Felicia Day (The Guild), Vince Caso (The Guild), Tara Caso (The Guild), Brett Sheridan (The Guild), Jamie Kaler (My Boys), Kyle Bornheimer (Worst Week), Tom Konkle (Safety Geeks SVI), and Kim Evey (Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show).  Watch out for new one-sketch episodes every Tuesday on YouTube.

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