Heroes fans–where are you, oh there you are. According to EW, a “key source” from the NBC series claims that the potential Heroes TV movie to wrap things up is not happening. After the show was officially cancelled after a four-year run last May, there was chatter about creator Tim Kring possibly working on a two or four hour TV movie to give a definitive ending to the series for devoted fans. With the actors moving on to other projects and NBC’s aim to let go of the dying, low-rated series it doesn’t come to much surprise that Heroes the TV series is over. Back in June Kring talked with EW and inadvertantly spilled that even if the TV movie was not to be made, the franchise might live on in some other form.
“…the Heroes brand is an extremely broad premise. It was a premise about ordinary people, an undisclosed number of people all over the world, who were waking up to these extraordinary abilities. Any number of stories could happen around that. We never posited a single ending or a single premise. It wasn’t about getting off of an island or stopping something from happening. We told stories in volumes that had a beginning, a middle, and an end. Those volumes could go on and on and on with many different characters. As a result, that Heroes universe is something that can be tapped into again in many ways.”
Interesting, huh? Heroes is no stranger to the comic book and web series worlds. Perhaps we may see the characters one last time in either (or both) of those mediums. It’s unfortunate the creative path that Heroes decided to take. In the end, though, we can always think back to season one–an exciting, intense character-driven ride that very much played out like, well, a movie.
[Via EW]