Why do I get a strange feeling this is where the cell phone market is headed?
[Via ONN]
Why do I get a strange feeling this is where the cell phone market is headed?
[Via ONN]
It goes without saying but I’ll say it anyway: this video contains many explicatives. NSFW FTW.
“Facebook, Twitter Revolutionizing How Parents Stalk Their College-Aged Kids” is, once again, the Onion News Network at its finest. Enjoy.
True, this video is over a month old, but I could not let it go by the wayside. It’s the Onion News Network at its finest. Ni hao, and enjoy!
[Via ONN]
“I am proud today to introduce to those who really, truly deserve it, our most incredible iPhone yet,” announced Apple CEO Steve Jobs, extending his seemingly empty left palm toward the eagerly awaiting crowd. “Not only is this our lightest and slimmest model ever, but as any truly savvy Apple customer can clearly see, it’s also the most handsome product we’ve ever designed.” …
“Oh my God, I can’t believe how much faster you can get online with this,” said Delaney, who exited the store holding a cupped hand up to her ear and yelling into her wrist about how wonderful the new phone was. “The reception is so clear, and you can pretty much get a signal no matter where you go.”
The Onion at its finest. Click here to read the full article. It’s genius.
[Article and Images via The Onion]
I know this video is a couple months old now, but it is quite the treat. It’s the ONN (Onion News Network) at its finest. Hilarity ensues.