Now this is fantastic news! Actor David Cross is joining the new FOX comedy Running Wilde. The show stars Will Arnett. The show is created by Mitch Hurwitz. Have you connected the dots yet? It’s an Arrested Developement reunion! In Hurwitz’s Arrested Development, Cross played doctor-turned-aspiring actor Tobias Fünke, the brother-in-law of Arnett’s Gob Bluth. Cross will be featured in 7 of the initial 13 episodes as “the radical environmentalist boyfriend of Keri Russell’s character” according to IGN. Hurwitz and Arnett serve as creators, writers, and executive producers. Arrested Development directors Anthony and Joe Russo and executive producer Jim Valley are also on board.
FOX is giving Hurwitz another chance with Running Wilde, so make sure you tune in Tuesday, September 21 at 9:30PM. We can’t give the network another opportunity to shun Hurwitz & Co. away from making great TV like they did with the prematurally canned Arrested Development. With a handful of AD alum signed on, I have a good feeling this comedy will tower over other network premieres in terms of quality. AD‘s theme was “family first.” From the looks of the trailer (embedded after the break, along with the synopsis), Running Wilde will take a new yet familar path: Russell’s Emmy to Arnett’s Wilde: “I am going to make you a better man.” Family, relationships, heart, hilarity. Welcome back, Hurwitz.
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