Tag Archives: Past Tell Museum

Kanye West’s Pasttell clothing line makes an appearence, yet still nowhere in sight

So here’s a long story made short.

Rapper Kanye West first introduced his concept clothing line called Pastelle in Spring 2006.  Over three years later, we still do not have any definitive information about it.  Although it appears Kanye has worn nunmerous peices from what is now called the Past-Tell line, not a single article of clothing or accessories have been released yet.  According to its Wikipedia page, Kanye has made it known that “The first Pastelle Clothing store will open up late 2009 in Chicago — followed by the New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco launch.”  The website Past.Tell.Museum has been idle ever since its creation.

Today the blog The Black Nouveau has “sourced” three photos of what may be future Pasttell jackets and shirts.  As the official announcement of the clothing line keeps getting pushed year after year, I’m skeptical if Pasttell will ever become a reality.  Now, though, with Kanye taking a break from touring, maybe he will find some time to fulfill the promise he made three years ago.

[Via The Black Nouveau; Wiki]

[Thanks, Corey Z.]