Tag Archives: movie prop

WarGames IMSAI 8080 for sale

“Shall we play a game?”

That’s the eerie question this aged personal computer asked David Lightman (Matthew Broderick) in the classic 1983 film WarGames.  The IMSAI 8080 is the computer Broderick used to connect to the defense department’s W.O.P.R. supercomputer.  He thought he was playing a game about global thermonuclear war, but in reality he was bringing the world ever so close to nuclear devastation.  The IMSAI 8080 has been perfectly preserved since it was used as a prop in the movie.  Currently appraised at over $25,000 it is about to be sold on the market.  Whoever manages to win the Ferrari from Ferris Bueller should try to snag the IMSAI 8080 and create a next-generation KITT.  Wouldn’t that be something?  Check out a recent photograph of the device after the break.

[Via Imsai.net; Engadget]

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