Tag Archives: Microsoft Xbox 360

Day Zero: Project Natal for Xbox 360 Experience

On Monday June 14 Microsoft hosted a pre-E3 event called World Premiere Project Natal for Xbox 360 Experience.  It was described as “a spectacular live performance imagined by Cirque du Soleil” and that’s exactly what it was.  Sort of.  Here’s what went down.

So we get there and wait in an enormously long line.  But that didn’t matter much since our tickets guaranteed entrance into the event.  While waiting outside we could hear the faint sound of heavy drums, and as we neared the front doors “Cirque” people were there to greet us with exotic dancing.  People in line received green and purple Xbox-branded wrist bands and we were eventually split up into two lines according to wrist band color.

As we start heading inside the jungle-themed Galen Center at USC we are handed yet another wristband; this time it’s an Xbox 360 USB band.  Inside it’s rather dim when we’re welcomed by Xbox reps who are handing out white ponchos with over-sized shoulder pads (I felt like Lady Gaga).  After bringing fitted with the ponchos, we are instructed to walk towards to large auditorium.  On our way into the auditorium we are startled by an Indian “family” who is sitting in a couch inside a mock living room.  There is a large square cut out in the wall and the family invites us to walk through the wall opening (which symbolized walking out of a TV and into reality).  The two parents and their children said hello to us in some Indian dialect and then directed us into the main auditorium.  You can say we were dazed and confused at this point.

The large auditorium housed all the white poncho-dressed guests; it looked like we were all part of some nerd cult.  Before the main event, we all just stood around and watched a bunch of Cirque people bizarrely dance around us and interact with others.  People with purple bands sat in the seats, those with green bands stood on the center floor.  Around us were large screens populated with Xbox avatars walking around a virtual jungle.

After a bit of a wait the lights went down and the main event began.  Three screens fell from the ceiling and a Cirque man introduced a “Prologue”.  The first part of the show featured a child riding in on Cirque elephant, climbing up on prop rocks, and using an Xbox 360 controller to play through three undisclosed games.  When he reached the top of the rocky structure a curtain was removed from the top rock and a bright green Xbox logo was revealed.  Then our shoulder pads lit up bright green.  Big applause.  When the child turned his back to us the screen projected his avatar that copied his every move.  When an arm was raised, the avatar lifted his arm in the same fashion.  Since there was some lag, you could tell this was all pre-recorded, but the effect was still impressive.  Then the big reveal: Project Natal is now Kinect.

Continue reading Day Zero: Project Natal for Xbox 360 Experience

Project Natal is ‘Kinect’, 5 casual games leak too (Update: Xbox 360 Slim TBA?)

With only a few hours left until Microsoft’s press conference at E3, USA Today managed to get a hold of (and leak) the final name for Project Natal.  It’s called (drum roll please…) Kinect.  Microsoft’s Major Nelson confirms it via Twitter.  A number of casual games have been outed, too.  Kinectimals lets you play with over 20 different virtual animals; Joyride lets you race with your avatars, controller-free of course; Kinect Sports features boxing, bowling, beach volleyball, track and field, soccer and table tennis; Kinect Adventures is a river rafting game with various obstacle courses to flail your arms and legs through; and MTV Games will make Dance Central.  Disney and LucasArts are planned to unveil games featuring characters from their arsenal.  In addition, the LA Times outed four games this morning (including Richochet, River Rush, Obstacle Course, and Living Statue) and spilled that “about a dozen more” Kinect-supported games will be unveiled by other developers during E3.  It look like release date and pricing details will have to wait until tomorrow’s press conference.

Update: What appears to be a legit Italian Microsoft ad is boasting a new slimmer Xbox 360 console.  It was originally spotted at Console-Tribe.  The thirteen second spot lists features like a 250GB HDD, built-in WiFi (woot!), and compatibility with Kinect.  That last sliver of info makes this ad feel all the more authentic.  How could an imposter know about the Natal-to-Kinect transition when news of it just leaked out from USA Today?  Interesting, I know.  Well good news is that we won’t have to wait too long to see if this manifests itself into something tangible.  Look after the break for the commercial.

Update #2: Official press shots of Kinect are out!  So sleek and black and shiny.  Go ahead, take a closer look in the gallery below.

[Via Joystiq, here, here, here & here; LA Times] Continue reading Project Natal is ‘Kinect’, 5 casual games leak too (Update: Xbox 360 Slim TBA?)

Preview: Project Natal for Xbox 360 Experience

On Monday June 14 I will be attending the Microsoft pre-E3 event titled World Premiere Project Natal for Xbox 360 Experience.  It’s described as “a spectacular live performance imagined by Cirque du Soleil.”  The LA Times has the scoopt on what to expect at the Natal-themed event.  Microsoft rented out USC’s Galen Center for three weeks so a  cast including 80 performers “supported by a crew of more than 100 designers, set builders, engineers and seamstresses” could properly prepare for what hopes to be a fantastical and visually stunning performance.

But what does Cirque du Soleil have to do with motion-sensing hardware for a video games console?  Though the 45-minute long event is being kept under wraps, show director Michel Laprise had this to say about the theme: “It’s a story about humanity, about a quest and about overcoming obstacles.  In history, there have been discoveries that have made us leap forward as a civilization. But those technologies demanded that we master their language, the language of machines.  This time, it’s the machine that’s adapting.  The human is at the center, doing what comes naturally.  Moving, jumping, talking.  And it’s up to the machine to interpret what that means.”

Microsoft would not disclose how much this secretive spectacular cost them.  Microsoft’s Aaron Greenberg said, “This is a massive investment for Microsoft.  For us, it wasn’t about the money.  It was about creating an experience that would be remembered forever.”

In an FAQ, Microsoft states that “some seating areas of the event are a standing experience” and they “recommend comfortable shoes.”  Whether that means the event is part show/part hands-on Natal, I’m not so sure.  For those of you not attending the event and want to see how it all unfolds, don’t fret!  Check back this space tomorrow evening to read all about what happened at the event.  And if that’s not enough for you, MTV will air a commercial-free condensed program covering the event on Tuesday June 15 at 3:30PM (ET).  It will re-air on Nick at Nite, mtvU, MTV Hits, and Logo Tuesday, June 15 at 9:00PM (ET).  (In related news, SPIKE TV will air an exclusive televised stream of the Microsoft press conference (called “Xbox 360: The Future Revealed”) tomorrow June 14 at 1:30-3:00PM (ET).)

E3 2010: What to expect

In just two days the Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo press conferences will be over and “the big three” will be showing off their latest innovations in hardware and games on the show floor at their respective booths at E3.  Let’s dive into each company’s plans and dissect what they have in store for us.

Xbox 360: You can expect massive titles like Halo: Reach, Gears of War 3, and Fable III to be demoed in real-time and hyped up during the Microsoft press conference.  But the buzz around Microsoft this year surrounds their gaming without controllers initiative codenamed Project Natal.  With a pre-E3 event called “Project Natal for Xbox 360 Experience imagined by Cirque du Soleil” you can expect the motion-capture accessory to dominate Microsoft’s offerings throughout the week.  With Natal Microsoft is first and foremost targeting the casual gamer, looking to expand to the same market Nintendo captured with the Wii.  Natal’s initial launch lineup will be announced and this first batch of games will likely take advantage of Natal in simplistic ways.  I wouldn’t be surprised if the Richochet and Paint Party games that were previewed last year end up shipping with it.  And there’s always little Milo who may certainly star in his own game.  If you’re the hardcore type, it would be remiss for Microsoft to ignore you after all these years of support.  I’ve seen video of Burnout Paradise being used with Natal and Fable III lead designer Peter Molyneux stated in an interview that the next Fable will incorporate Natal functionality.  Whatever the launch lineup may be, I would hope Microsoft has at least a dozen casual games to entice new gamers to their console and a sprinkle of hardcore experiences to satisfy their longtime users.  Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if a new version of the Xbox 360 dashboard took advantage of Natal with a gesture-based UI.  As of now we know Natal is expected to launch this holiday season; the press conference should make things more clear with not only a definitive release date and a price (fingers-crossed under $100), but also a final name for the hardware (although “Natal” has grown on me over the months).

Enough Natal.  Let’s talk games.  I’ve already hit on the big sequel exclusives like Bungie’s Halo: Reach, Epic’s Gears of War 3, and Microsoft Game Studios’ Fable III.  First person shoot XCOM from 2K Games looks fantastic (also available on PC), Capcom’s Dead Rising: Case Zero brings another compelling zombie shooter, and Microsoft Game Studios’ Avatar-based racing game Joy Ride will likely use Natal in more ways than one.  And you can’t forget about the next Assassin’s Creed game from Ubisoft subtitled Brotherhood.

Read on for PS3 and Wii/DS discussion, plus more about third-party games and some “bizarre predictions”! Continue reading E3 2010: What to expect

Xbox 360 to get USB mass storage support this spring [Updated]

The fine folks at Joystiq have corroborated with two outside sources, confirming that “USB Mass Storage Device Support on Xbox 360” is coming this spring via a firmware update.  The update will allow Xbox 360 users to transfer Xbox Live Arcade games, Xbox Live Indie games, Games on Demand, DLC, and game updates to an external storage device.  According to the leaked Microsoft documentation, the external device must be at least 1GB in size with space for a 512 MB system partition.  After you insert the storage device into the 360,  a prompt will give you two options: “configure now,” which completely wipes the device and caps 16GB of space for game file content and “customize,” which readies the device for game files and allows you to keep non-game files on it such as music.  So what can we deduce from all this?  It looks like the Xbox team is willing to pull out of the Memory Unit (MU) business and finally allow its customers to use their own external storage devices, an ability PS3 users have had since that console’s introduction in 2006.  Also, with recent chatter that a slimmer Xbox 360 is in the works, the design team may opt to remove the MU slots entirely.  Sure, 16GB of external space (or 32GB if you choose to insert two USB devices) isn’t much, but at least it’s a step in the right direction.  Hell, that much space allows for “previously infeasible operations such as installation of a full disc-based title.”  Full games on the go sounds nice, now doesn’t it?  (Disc-in-tray authentication is necessary, of course.)

UPDATE: Microsoft’s Major Nelson has confirmed USB mass storage support is coming to Xbox 360 via a system update on April 6.

[Via Joystiq]

ESPN may stream live sporting events to an Xbox 360 near you

According to the NY Times, Disney is in talks with Microsoft to bring ESPN to Xbox Live.  Sure, Live subscribers already have access to the large Netflix library to rent the latest movies and TV shows, but streaming live sporting events takes things to a whole new level.  ESPN on Xbox Live would be set up in a similar fashion to the ESPN 360 service that’s been widely available from a number of ISPs.  The Times reports that it would be based on a per-subscriber fee and include access to live sporting events and interactive games labeled with the ESPN brand.  Hulu on the PC, Netflix and ESPN on Xbox Live; this tidbit of news gives us yet another reason to cut the cord that is cable.

[Via NY Times; Gizmodo]

Facebook comes to PS3 (and Xbox 360) today

Seems like Facebook is infiltrating all of our favorite gadgets these days: computers, cell phones, iPods, and now video game consoles.

Facebook capabilities are now available on the Playstation 3 today via the (free) 3.10 firmware update.  Sony is pressing that this is the first of many Facebook features coming to the PS3.  For now, FB on PS3 will enable users to share their Trophy and Playstation Store activity in their Facebook News Feeds.  Also, publishers are given the option to send game-specific information from the console to users’ News Feeds.  Other Facebook features, basics such as status updates and photo sharing, are not included with this update.  Hopefully future updates will bring these features to life.  For now, Sony advises its users to make use of the PS3’s browser to log-in and fully utilize Facebook that way for the time being.  Other new updates with 3.10 include a new way to orgainze and view your photos in a gallery and customization options in your PSN Friends List (you can color your PSN ID).

And don’t forget: also available today (via a free download) is the Xbox 360 dashboard update that includes full-blown Facebook integration, Twitter, last.fm, and Zune (video) marketplace additions with HD (1080p) instant-on streaming.  What are you waiting for?  Get social network’d.

[Via Engadget; Playstation EU Blog]

Long-awaited Xbox 360 dashboard update is coming November 17

We’ve known for quite some time now about the next Xbox dashboard update coming to Xbox Live subscribers.  Here’s a refresher for those of you not in the loop: Facebook/Twitter integration, last.fm, Zune (video) Marketplace, and instant-HD (1080p/5.1 channel) streaming.  The new press release (in full after the break) sheds light on new additions:

In addition to these social features, Xbox LIVE will also be debuting “News and More,” a new section of the “Inside Xbox” channel, transforming Xbox LIVE into a full-fledged media portal. With a regularly-updated stream of content from MSNBC, The New Yorker and Dilbert, “News and More” brings the latest in current events, arts and entertainment right to your fingertips.

[Via Engadget]

Continue reading Long-awaited Xbox 360 dashboard update is coming November 17

Rumor alert: Project Natal gets priced, dated, and further detailed

Here’s the scoop, Coop.  Details surrounding the anticipatory launch of Microsoft’s codenamed Project Natal has apparently been leaked from a “behind-closed-door meetings in the UK between Microsoft and third party developers.”  According to the leak source, Natal will launch in November 2010 from a low, low price anywhere between $50-$80, thus making it quite the “impulse buy.”  Natal will come packaged with an initial set of 14 games.  Microsoft will manufacture 5 million units (that includes standalone and bundled-with-Xb0x 360s units) for a worldwide launch.  Pretty sweet if you ask me.

[Via Gizmodo]

The Xbox 360 just got even cheaper

Though the Xbox 360 Elite recently saw a dramatic price drop (from $399 to $299), it seems like Microsoft was not fully content with this sweet spot.  Starting today, the Xbox 360 Elite console will be sold for $299 with a $50 mail-in rebate.  So that’s $249 for the best next-gen console on the market; what a deal!  This mail-in rebate offer runs through October 5; Microsoft has not specified what will happen to the standard price of the console after that date.  Looks like Christmas may be coming early for some folks; get on this!

Get the rebate here.

[Via Gizmodo; image via Xbox]