Here we have three tantalizing TV teasers for fans of some of the hottest shows today: Showtime’s Homeland, AMC’s Breaking Bad, and BBC One/PBS’ Sherlock. Warning: spoilers within!
Above, the Homeland teaser titled “Signals” begs the question: Where is Brody? At the end of season 2, a car bomb destroyed the CIA and it was made to look like Nick Brody was behind the devastating attack. Carrie, of course, believes him when he says he didn’t do it and she helps him escape the country. “Does Carrie know I’m here” is just one of the many “signals” broadcast in this 30-second teaser that unfortunately shows zero footage from season 3. Homeland returns September 29.
After the break you’ll find the teasers for Breaking Bad and Sherlock. Continue reading TV teasers: ‘Homeland’, ‘Breaking Bad’ & ‘Sherlock’