On April 15, 2010 access to Xbox Live on all original Xbox consoles and games will come to a grinding halt. Microsoft is flipping the switch to the off position, so to speak, so if you own an original Xbox console and/or play Xbox Originals games on the 360 you will no longer be able to access Xbox Live features, ie. multiplayer and achievements. Why is Microsoft doing this, you ask? Xbox Live GM Marc Whitten: “…we need to make changes to the service that are incompatible with our original Xbox v1 games.” In other words, original Xbox content is becoming stale and simply cannot forge its way into the new generation of gaming. If you happen to be living in the past (or still can’t afford an Xbox 360, oh come on!) Microsoft has plans for you: “We will contact the Xbox LIVE members directly impacted by this change and if this includes you, I encourage you to check your LIVE messages and associated e-mail account over the coming weeks for more details and opportunities. We view you as a partner in this process.” All you Halo 2 fanboys better get your multiplayer gaming on before it’s too late! Soon you’ll be stuck with playing Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST; what a shame!