Tag Archives: film posters

These unofficial movie posters are better than the real ones

2010 was packed with some great movies including the mind-bending Inception, the action-packed Tron: Legacy, the Western True Grit, and the thriller Black Swan.  For the most part film posters do a fine job at advertising movies before and during their theatrical release.  But there’s something about these unofficial, “alternate” posters imagined by graphic designers and illustrators that instantly captivates my interest.  Many of them are overly simplistic and yet very effective at the same time.  Check out my favorite fan-made film poster for Inception above, and then peer into the gallery below to see a bunch more.  Don’t you agree that these alt-posters are intrinsically better than the real ones?  (After the break you’ll find a listing of all the contributing illustrators.)

[Via Flavorwire]

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