Tag Archives: eyewitness footage


It is so simple, yet so uncontrollably hilarious.  So this random dude managed to capture a double rainbow on his camcorder in his backyard.  The man, who was likely trippin’ on some powerful hallucinogens, was awe-struck by what he saw and thank heavens his immediate reaction was caught on tape.  You never get to see the man behind the curtain, but that really doesn’t matter.  It’s the reactions–“what does this mean”, and at one point he literally sobs over the beauty of it all–that makes the three minute and thirty second eyewitness footage so epic.  FYI, the video gets funnier with immediate repeat viewings.

Make sure to jump after the break to watch “The Double Rainbow Song”.  That’s right, the guys (and lady) behind Auto-tune the News put together a wonderful video based this man’s transcendental experience.

[Via Nerdist] Continue reading “DOUBLE RAINBOW ALL THE WAY”