Tag Archives: Dance Central

Booth tours: MTV Games/Harmonix

Somehow the video footage from the MTV Games/Harmonix booth got lost in the archives…but I have pictures to put in its place!

The layout of the MTV Games/Harmonix was pretty straightforward.  The bulk of it was filled with the current Rock Band titles and they include The Beatles: Rock Band, Green Day: Rock Band, and Rock Band 3; a section of the booth contained Dance Central stations (that’s the Kinect-enabled dance party game).  Speaking of RB 3, the brand spankin’ new keyboard was playable at the booth.  It’s a very solid piece of hardware and a welcome addition to the guitar, drums, and mics.  The new Rock Band Pro guitars, including the Fender Mustang and six-string Fender Squier Stratocaster, were on display.  Man are they beautiful, and they look so real (in fact, the latter one is real)!  But don’t take my word for it; look in the gallery to see for yourself.