Remember when Gizmodo first picked up this story back in September about a Microsoft hardware-and-software-designed booklet of sorts? Since then I’ve been keeping my ear to the ground, picking up on anything concerning the secret device. Today new details emerged about what’s being called the Microsoft Courier. According to the latest sources (as relayed by Engadget) the device will be smaller than expected, not much bigger than a 5×7 photo when closed and will be under one inch thick and weigh a slightly over a pound. The operating system will be powered by NVIDIA Tegra 2 hardware and based on the same OS as Windows Phone 7 Series and Zune HD. The device will also include a built-in camera, headphone jack for media playback, and a stylus for writing and drawing. The source pegs a release date of “Q3 / Q4” of this year.
The Courier is being dubbed a “digital journal” whose sleek user interface will revolve around pen-based interaction with the help of handwriting recognition software. If you take a look at the latest videos (look after the break for another) and images (see below) you can tell the developers behind this device have really come a long way in the design process. The overall UI experience looks tighter, more defined, and user friendly. The demos feature many touch-based actions like dragging, flicking, copy & pasting, and “pocket”-ing. At its core, Courier is an “infinite,” highly customizable journal; it’s a place to discover and collect things of interest locally and over the Internet and use them to create. Or as Microsoft says, it’s about “bringing ideas to life.” I smell a worthy iPad contender. Tickle me highly intrigued.
[Via Engadget]