Tag Archives: clues

Google’s mystery doodle is back for more


Enter the follow-up doodle in the series of alien-related Google doodles.  First it was the UFO-inspired doodle that searched for “unexplained phenomena.”  Now there is a crop-circle inspired doodle that searches for the keyword “crop circle.”  The first doodle’s image file name was “Go_gle.”  This image’s file name is “Goog_e.”  First the “o” was abducted, now the “l” is missing.  What this means no one knows.  On it’s Twitter page Google posted the following coordinates: 51.327629, -0.5616088.  Followers figured out that these specific coordinates reveal a location in the UK, a town called Horsell in Surrey, England, to be exact.  Interestingly this area is infamous for it’s prominent role in H.G. Wells’ “War of the Worlds;” it is the town where the aliens first land in the novel.

So, what does this all mean?  Unfortunately there are no solid answers…again.  Some theories include: Wells’ 143rd birthday falls on September 21; “It’s almost certainly a viral marketing campaign teasing people ahead of some launch in a week or two” (via UK Guardian); and my favorite–Google has been taken over by aliens from an unknown planet.  Just like before, all there is to do now is to continue theorizing and wait for the next doodle or a possible explanation from Google itself.

[Via CNET; Wired]