If you are not aware, Microsoft is planning to open its own retail stores, just like Apple has with their “Apple Store” nationwide. Gizmodo recently picked up on leaked MS retail store plans that were included in what seems to be a legit powerpoint presentation by Lippicott, a “design and brand strategy” consultant firm. From the looks of the images and details, a ‘Microsoft Store’ may give Apple a run for its money. Back on July 15, this quote was picked up by Giz; Microsoft’s COO Kevin Turner: “And stay tuned, because we’re going to have some retail stores opened up that are opened up right next door to Apple stores this fall. Stay tuned, just stay tuned.” Late last week, Giz found further information about MS’s plans about a retail chain. “Essentially, Microsoft is taking the best elements from the Apple Store, Sony Style and other “flagship” stores. The main focuses are going to be Windows 7, Xbox, PCTV (Windows Media Center) Surface and Windows Mobile, revolving around this concept customer they call “Emily…” One Frank Shaw left a comment on MS’s behalf, firmly stating that these plans are only concepts, and nothing more: “As a part of our process in briefing creative agencies, we shared some early prototypes and concepts of our retail store plans. No final decisions have been made. As we previously announced, we are on track to open retail stores this Fall.” According to CNET, the first two locations of these stores will be in Scottsdale, Arizona and Mission Viejo, California. Microsoft spokeswoman Kim Stocks: “Over a billion people use our products every day yet we don’t always have a way to directly connect with them. We see the physical stores, as well as a consistent online experience, helping that.” With the goal of “going global” MS will directly compete with Apple Retail stores in the near future. There’s even a rumored “answers bar” in the works to go head-to-head with Apple’s Genius Bar. Look after the break for Giz’s summary of the leaked powerpoint presentation and see the gallery below for the leaked in-store plans.
[Via Gizmodo here & here; CNET]
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