Tag Archives: 24 Season 8

Keifer heads to the OR, 24 halts production

Actor Keifer Sutherland suffered a ruptured cyst late last week and is headed to the OR for a minor operation to fix things up.  And since he’s the star of 24, the production team was forced to hault production until his return.  Fortunately his predicament involves a quick procedure, so Sutherland should be back to shoot the remainder of Day 8 within a matter of a few days.  Says his publicist: “While Kiefer Sutherland is frustrated to miss even one day of work, he and FOX decided together that it would be best to complete this minor elective procedure now.”  I think Jack Bauer can handle it.

[Via IGN]

24 Day 8 stills leak with premiere right around the corner

The new season of 24 is almost upon us and what better way to get ready then check out the latest stills and character shots.  Of course you’ll find Kiefer Sutherland (Bauer), Mary Lynn Rajskub (Chloe), Annie Wersching (Renee), and Cherry Jones (President Taylor) there.  You’ll also discover some new players including Katee Sackhoff, Freddie Prinze Jr., and Anil Kapoor.  Catch my favorite shot of the bunch after the break.

24 Season 8 premieres Sunday January 17 in a 4-hour, 2-night event on FOX.

[Via IGN]


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