Category Archives: Image cache

LED Shower provides a therapeutic bathing session

LED shower heads by Visentin can be mounted on your ceiling, allowing for an open shower experience in the middle of your living room.

Specializing in health and wellbeing, the Italian bathroom design company created these luxury shower heads to bathe you in a rainbow of therapeutic colored LED light. Hot hues include rejuvenating orange, renewing white, relaxing blue, healing pink or refreshing green, each with its own therapeutic qualities to transform your shower into a daily home-spa experience.

[Via Trendir; Gizmodo]

It happens once in a blue moon–tonight!

“It’s simply the occurrence of two full moons in one month,” says retired high school science teacher Bob Hartley.  Simple, yet so rare and beautiful.  A “blue moon” appears approximately every two and a half years; and only once in every 20 years it appears on New Year’s Eve.  When you’re out and about welcoming the New Year, be sure to look up at the sky and catch this month’s “extra moon” because it won’t appear again for a while.  Keep in mind that while some blue moons may glimmer a bluish hue due to dense particles, most of them unfortunately do not.  The name refers to the unusual pattern of its occurrence.

[Via HomerTribune; Gizmodo; Wiki]

New logos for Nick & AOL


I reported back in late July that Nickelodeon’s “splat” logo was about to undergo a transformation, and now it’s time to follow up.  After much deliberation, the creative team at Nick decided go with what you see above (right).  Obviously the focal point of the new logo is the stretched “i” that resembles a kid.  Cyma Zarghami, president of Nick and MTV Networks’ Kids and Family Group: “We wanted to clean it [the logo] up and allow Nick to be the stamp on all of these channels.  In asking ourselves if everything could live under the splat, we decided that the splat was dated.  It just couldn’t be done in a streamlined way.”  To celebrate Nick’s 30th anniversary, the new logo was unveiled this past fall and is now in full force.  Rest in peace, splat; you will never be forgotten.  Peek after the break for all the new streamlined Nick logos including those for Nick Jr., TeenNick, NickToons, and Nick@Nite.

AOL Logo, Before and After

From “AOL” to “Aol.” America Online has gone through its paces over the years.  First it was everyone’s portal to the Internet during the dial-up days.  Then they merged with Time Warner and became the butt of many jokes since it lost its dominance due to high speed Internet the introduction of the sole Internet browser as the main portal to the other side.  On December 10, AOL detached itself from Time Warner, thus ending a short-lived and unsuccessful merger, and decided to enter the next decade with a whole new identity.  Tim Armstrong, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of AOL: “Our new identity is uniquely dynamic. Our business is focused on creating world-class experiences for consumers and AOL is centered on creative and talented people — employees, partners, and advertisers. We have a clear strategy that we are passionate about and we plan on standing behind the AOL brand as we take the company into the next decade.”  Sure AOL lost its steam as computer users began to realize they didn’t need it any longer as a source for email and browsing; but it is still relevant today.  AOL owns a bunch of content and their plan for the next decade is to push this content harder.  Besides maintaining the unpopular AOL software, they also continually update AOL Instant Messenger (still used by many as a communication service) and they own popular blogs like Engadget and TMZ.  As a reinvigorated content-driven organization free from the shackles of Time Warner, Aol. enters 2010 with fresh vision and slightly different logo for a new generation.

[Via UnderConsideration, here & here]

Continue reading New logos for Nick & AOL

Fireplace + HDTV integration

Helex’s “I-Vision” integrates the two main focal points of your living room–a fireplace and a flat-screen television.  The HDTV is covered with a glass panel and completely disappears above the gas-powered fireplace when it’s turned off.  This fireplace-HDTV hybrid holds a modern, sleek look that can turn any ordinary living room into a technological marvel.  And now it’s on my list of things to install into my future home.  Additional shot after the break.

[Via Bornrich; Gizmodo]

Continue reading Fireplace + HDTV integration

That’s right, you’re drinking “milk”

Milk Glass LED Night Light (Images courtesy Amazon)

Glass Of Milk LED Night Light.  Designed by Andrew Liszewski.

Liszewski created these white LED-infused acrylic drinking glasses to serve not only as cups but also as night lights.  The way I see it, he’s got it all wrong.  The real purpose of these glasses is to camouflage with “milk” that alcoholic beverage you are forced to sneak around the house.

[Via OhGizmo; Gizmodo]

“The original spiral nebula” like you’ve never seen it before

Thanks to image post-processing technology, scientists have digitally remade the image of the NGC 5194, or what is known as “the original spiral nebula.”  Enjoy the 51st entry in Charles Messier’s famous catalog (aka M51) in all its high resolution glory.

Over 60,000 light-years across, M51’s spiral arms and dust lanes clearly sweep in front of its companion galaxy (right), NGC 5195. Image data from the Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys has been reprocessed to produce this alternative portrait of the well-known interacting galaxy pair. The processing has further sharpened details and enhanced color and contrast in otherwise faint areas, bringing out dust lanes and extended streams that cross the small companion, along with features in the surroundings and core of M51 itself. The pair are about 31 million light-years distant. Not far on the sky from the handle of the Big Dipper, they officially lie within the boundaries of the small constellation Canes Venatici.

[Via Gizmodo; NASA]

The Burj Dubai in 2.3 GIGApixels!

As we inch closer to the official grand opening of the largest skyscraper in the world, the Burj Dubai, I share with you a 2.3 gigapixel photo of the massive 2,684 foot tall structure.  Well technically the image you see above is just the antenna that sticks out at the very top tip of the structure.  (But what detail!)  The image file is so large it would “break the Internet” if it were to be sent through the pipes.  In fact, if this image was printed out at 150 pixels per inch, it would be over 37 feet high!  Because of this, photographer Gerald Donovan has created a video “tour” of the photograph where he zooms in and out of detail:

The Burj Dubai opens January 4, 2010.

[Via Gizmodo]