Category Archives: Design

McD’s installs a steam machine in latest ad for coffee

Fast food giant McDonald’s has gone ahead and put a steam machine inside a transit shelter marquee to promote their hot coffee to freezing cold people waiting for the bus.  The ad reads “Your coffee is ready.”  Not so sure this will have people running to their local McDonald’s for their gross coffee, but the effect will definitely turn heads.

[Via Gizmodo]

Lamborghini concept car has me drooling at the mouth

Lamborghini Ankonian concept.  Designed by Slavche Tanevski.

The mid-engined supercar has a narrow and rather complex-looking body, with a garnishing of GT proportions. Thin OLEDs embedded between the surfaces function as headlights, and while all those lines may look weird, the Ankonian supposedly makes the best use of it all. The concept was named after a bull type famous for black hair, and since the designer had some help from professional designers at Lamborghini and Audi, the finished model has impressive looks.

Sure, it looks like a futuristic Bat-mobile, but come on!  Personally, I am a big fan of the Lamborghini Murcielago and Gallardo plus the Audi R8.  From the looks of these images this concept car takes the best of these supercars and manages to create beautifully designed and shaped super-super vehicle of my dreams.  Though it will likely never see the light of day as a real car, one can sit and stare at all its glory, can’t he?

[Via KanyeBlog]

Steel pipe factory receives an extension…made of giant pipes.

Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen Architects will be constructing an extended office for a steel pipe factory with giant pipes.  These giant pipes are usually made to create wind turbines; as architectural elements, they will serve a dual purpose of housing and controlling air flow.  I’m really digging the mock up images of this “pipe dream” (ha! get it?) office.  This is definitely an architectural detour from the norm and hopefully it can inspire others to think outside the box and create buildings and structures with such unique design.

[Via Gizmodo; Dezeen]

Retro PC design is elegantly rad

Philco PC.  Designed by Dave Schultze.

Stealing looks from the Philco Predicta (the iconic 1954 television set), this concept PC  features a typewriter keyboard, an edgy mouse, and a minimalist design that I am totally craving right now.  Check out more images below and after the break for a video tour of this retro masterpiece.

[Via Gizmodo; YankoDesign]

Continue reading Retro PC design is elegantly rad

10 dimensions, captured in a small cube

This here is the Calabi-Yau Manifold Crystal.  To find out how it relates to string theory and the dimensions we humans cannot experience, read on:

According to string theory, space-time is not four-dimensional as you might expect, but actually 10-dimensional. The extra six dimensions are believed to be compactified or rolled up into such a small space that they are unobservable at human scales of sight. Their size and six dimensions make Calabi-Yau spaces difficult to draw. But, this model shows a three-dimensional cross-section of this likely space to reveal its structure and shape.

Oh, and it’s only $90 for that lucky physicist in your life, available here to purchase.

[Via Gizmodo; Scientifics Online]

Mirrored shoes are some sort of fashion statement?

“Invisible Shoes.”  Designed by Andreia Chaves.

The “Invisible Shoes” are low-cut boots covered in asymmetrical mirrors that reflect the wearer’s surroundings and create a different optical effect with every step.

These mirrored shoes are only concept footwear for now.  But can’t you picture someone like Lady Gaga so wanting a pair of these?

[Via Gizmodo; CNET]

Audiophile, this is your chair

The Ballerina Sweetspot.  Designed by Michael Hollesen, Klutz Design.

If you really, really love listening to music and want to hear all the sounds with absolute perfection you might want to invest in this $8,000 armchair.  It features a specially designed headrest that prevents the reflection of sound, memory foam that conforms to your body, open armrests for remote storage, and aluminum leg and frame that reduces sonic vibration.  I must as I would enjoy such a treat this Sweetspot will forever remain on my wishlist indefinitely.

[Via Gizmodo; Unplggd]

Killer carriage

“Na zha,” designed by Shi Jinsong.

This stainless steel baby stroller looks like it came straight from a post-apocalyptic future out of a Terminator movie.  With such sharp edges and dangerous Edward Scissorhands looks, no one will think twice about messing with a baby being transported in this contraption.  The attached machine gun might do the trick, too.

Through his razor-sharp sculptures and related works, Shi Jinsong initiates a dialogue, at once menacing and ironic, between the forms of mythic Chinese culture and modern day globalization.

In the work ‘ne zha’ it appears in the disguise of being protective, consoling and decorative, but its details betray its true function of weapon.  It indicates the highest degree of ambiguity in one’s temperament.  It presents and represents.  It invites and refuses.

[Via Gizmodo; DesignBoom]

Creepy clock design

This clock features an LCD face that plays a 12-hour loop of an old guy telling the time by painstakingly erasing and re-recording each minute as it goes by with nothing but an eraser and a marker.  At the moment I’m kinda second guessing that there really is a man trapped behind the clock telling the time for us..

This video was taken at Design Miami during Art Basel Miami Beach 2009.

[Via Gizmodo]

Experiment: Public urination bin

The Wheelie Bin Urinal, designed by Stephan Bischof (from England, obviously).

This “Wheelie Bin Urinal” is a provides a place to go potty in the street, and it’s ingeniously disguised as a trash can.

For now, it’s just an experiment to see if (and when) people would use these trash can-turned-urinal stations when they’re out and about.  In fact, “early prototypes of the bin were installed on busy roads in the Lewisham borough of London, in which people’s frequent interactions with the bins were documented.”  You gotta see this to believe it after the break.

[Via Gizmodo; DesignBoom]

Continue reading Experiment: Public urination bin