Chris Nolan’s next movie has been shrouded in secrecy for some time now. Even the original two-minute teaser trailer didn’t budge with details. The first official full-length trailer that debuted in front of Godzilla, however, manages to paint a better picture. In Interstellar, the Earth has “ran out of food” and Matthew McConaughey is enlisted to travel through a wormhole on an interstellar voyage to save the planet. The plot still isn’t crystal clear but one thing’s for certain: Nolan has yet another super intriguing design in the works. Interstellar opens November 7.
Jump after the break to view more trailers.
Kenneth Branagh helms a new live adaptation of the classic Disney fairytale Cinderella. This teaser trailer does only that–a mere glimpse at a beautiful, sparkly glass slipper is all we get. Well, that and a taste of Patrick Doyle’s promising score. Lily James, Cate Blanchett, Richard Madden, and Helena Bonham-Carter star.
Cinderella steps into the slipper March 13, 2015.
Role Models and Wet Hot American Summer director David Wain steps behind the camera again to direct an all-star cast of funny people including Amy Poehler, Paul Rudd, Ellie Kemper, Bill Hader, and Ed Helms in a “hilarious and irreverent subversion of the romantic comedy genre.”
They Came Together opens June 27.
And last there’s the latest trailer for the upcoming Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Out July 17.
Update (5/19): Marvel’s released the second full-length trailer for its upcoming superhero movie Guardians of the Galaxy and it’s another winner. Get reacquainted with Star-Lord and his gang of galaxy-saving misfits. Also, meet Glenn Close’s Nova Prime Irani Rael and catch a glimpse of Benicio del Toro’s The Collector. How good is that playlist? GOTG is out August 1.