Following two tantalizing teasers, Showtime has released a full-on trailer for the second season of its critically acclaimed drama Homeland. Carrie looks to be a lot more stable following her shock treatment at the end of the first season, and this time she’s going undercover as a brunette with brown eyes. She’s still popping pills, mind you, but now we know that without them she can’t do her job. What else? Saul is there for moral and professional support, and David Estes looks on with suspicion. On the other side Brody is still praying with the Qur’an in cahoots with the terrorist Abu Nazir, but it appears as if he’s still treading a fine line between acting as war hero and serving as a “turned” terrorist. In the meantime, Carrie and Virgil and his cousin are back at video surveilling Brody and the clip ends with a major twist: Carrie and Brody get back together again? All of this plays in front of a beautiful, haunting rendition of The Police’s “Every Breath You Take” by Scala & Kolacny Brothers.
Homeland returns Sunday, September 30 on Showtime.