This marks the fourth Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series to debut on television. As you will see in the first full-length trailer embedded above, the Ninja Turtles embody a unique style of CGI animation. If the clip is any indication of what’s in store, viewers can prepare to watch the Turtles’ origin story unfold in the premiere episode. And if you are wondering, the voice cast includes recognizable talents like Jason Biggs (American Pie), Sean Astin (Lord of the Rings), Robert Paulsen (who voiced Raphael in the original 1987 TMNT animated series) Kevin Michael Richardson (The Cleveland Show), and Mae Whitman (Arrested Development).
Executive producer Ciro Neili told EW the aim of the show: “I tried to boil it down and get to really what’s at the core of it which is this sense of brothers and camaraderie. Everything grew out of that. It’s like a band. You want a Beatles thing.”
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles debuts October 20 on Nickelodeon. Kowabunga!