Mitch Hurwitz has a solid plan for ‘Arrested Development’s rebirth on Netflix

Not that you have to be reminded or anything, but Arrested Development is making a comeback in a big way, with a brand new season and a feature film on the way. At this week’s National Association of Broadcasters convention, creator Mitch Hurwitz dropped some delicious nuggets pertaining to the smart comedy we’ve all missed so dearly. Netflix’s Ted Sarandos was on hand to confirm that all ten episodes that make up season 4 will be released simultaneous on the same day at the same time. So get ready for an Arrested Development binge…it’s not like you haven’t done exactly this at least once before with previous seasons.

Hurwitz went on to explain how he’s planning on taking advantage of all the episodes launching at once. “There’s something exciting about trying to break the form again,” he said. “There’s going to be some mystery sprinkled throughout this [but] instead of watching one a week and try to get ahead of it, the hope is [fans] will watch them all together and then go back and look for clues and connections.” He added, “We’d also like to use the technology to provide additional material, where you might be able to access another part of the story.” Curious. Is he worried about people spoiling important plot details the day and date the episodes come out? Nope: “It’s comedy. The twists really aren’t as important as the characters.” True dat.

Previously Hurwitz was planning to focus on “almost one character per episode.” This week, however, he admitted that the new season “is now kind of evolving into becoming more like the old show again.” Another reveal: Bob Loblaw Attorney at Law (played by Scott Baio) is coming back. “We will bring him back,” Hurwitz said. “It’s kind of a one-joke thing. But if you guys don’t mind bringing it back, we’ll give it to you.” Yup, we don’t mind. Also, STEVE HOLT!

Last, Hurwitz dropped this bombshell. This may in fact mark just the beginning of the return of Arrested Development. Though Hurwitz kept his mouth shut regarding the Bluths coming to the big screen, he did share that there’s a possibly that Development will live on to see a fifth and even sixth season on the streaming service. “We would love this to be the first first of many visits,” he said and a thousand fans screamed in joy.

Arrested Development is set to return sometime in 2013.

[Via Vulture]

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