The wait is over. Beavis and Butt-Head, the snarky animated comedy from Mike Judge (King of the Hill) which originally ran from 1993-1997, returns to the airwaves tonight. It was back in July 2010 when Judge expressed interest in bringing the cult series back to MTV. One year later at Comic Con he had multiple episodes completed and was ready to unveil Beavis and Butt-Head 2.0 to hundreds of fans. I happened to be in attendance when Judge screened scenes from upcoming episodes and you can read my reactions here. I had concluded that watching this series again today is nostalgically enjoyable and it happens to be quite refreshing. B & B is known for its ability to satirize and ridicule music videos. When they return, the delinquent teens will also attack the slew of horrible reality shows that surfaced during their time of absence, including The Jersey Shore and 16 and Pregnant. What’s great is that just like the music videos of the past, MTV is allowing Judge to play with the network’s own reality programming. You can expect the couch scenes and the original stories that take place away from the boys’ TV screen (Cornholio is back!) to be wholly satisfying and amusing. Beavis and Butt-Head return tonight (10/27) at 10PM on MTV. Watch a trailer after the break.
Get More: Beavis and Butt-Head, Full Episodes