This month brought news that Pushing Daisies creator Bryan Fuller is bringing a “modern-day reboot” of The Munsters to NBC. Today Fuller expressed interest in nabbing actress Kristen Bell, who comes from TV roots (Veronica Mars), to play the part of Marilyn, the “plain” cousin of the wacky Munster clan. “Are you kidding me?” explaimed Fuller. “Kristen would be perfect.” He explains that Marilyn will have a much more pivotal role in the reboot than she did in the classic 1960s sitcom. “She is our eyes into the world, in the sense that we all can relate to our families exhibiting some level of monstrous behavior.” He also hinted that Eddie’s pet dragon Spot will also serve a larger purpose. NBC has ordered a pilot to be made, and Fuller splendidly spilled some info as to what we can expect. “This version has teeth and isn’t afraid to use them,” he said. “For example, the story begins when young Eddie unexpectedly manifests as a werewolf on a scout camping trip and inadvertently eats two of his fellow scouts.” Um, yes.
[Via EW-AusielloFiles]