Bina48 is an advanced humanoid robot with OK conversation skills

Meet Bina48.  She’s It’s a body-less robot that manages to exhibit some compelling advancements that will surely lead to Judgement Day, but also reassures us that J-Day isn’t coming anytime soon.  Bina48 was created by David Hanson of Hanson Robotics and it’s based on a real life person named Bina Rothblatt.  Though the robot is pretty adept at answering simple questions (like any chatbot it can scour the Internet for relevant information), what’s most exciting (and rather frightening) is it’s eye movement and facial expressions and reactions.  It seemed distracted when the NYT reporter asked it questions, but when the answers did come I was impressed.  Watch the robot-human conversation go down in the video above.  And let’s all pray to our respective saviors that Moore’s law doesn’t apply to humanoid robotics.  Ah crap it does.

[Via NYT; Engadget]

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