Jonah Hex is an upcoming horror Western film based on the DC Comics characher. It stars Josh Brolin as Hex, Megan Fox as Leila (a prostitute!), John Malkovich as baddie Quentin Turnbull, Michael Shannon as Doctor Cross Williams, and Michael Fassbender as Burke. Directed by Jimmy Hayward and written by Akiva Goldsman and Andrew Lazar. Synopsis:
Having cheated death, gunslinger and bounty hunter Jonah Hex (Josh Brolin) has one foot in the natural world and one in the supernatural realm. Jonah’s unusual nature gives him the ability to track down anyone, or anything, so the Army makes him an irresistible offer: They’ll erase the warrants on his head if Jonah will find Quentin Turnbull (John Malkovich). But Turnbull, who is preparing to unleash hell on earth, is Jonah’s oldest enemy and will stop at nothing to kill him once and for all.
Jonah Hex hits theatres June 18, 2010.