Multitouch? Pfft! Try multi-toe.

A bunch of bright minds at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Germany have been working on this research project they call “multi-toe interaction.”  Basically it’s a multitouch floor that can recognize a person based on their shoe pattern.  But I’ll let the masterminds explain:

The key factor of the shown design is that it is based on frustrated total internal reflection sensing. FTIR allows it to identify and track users based on their sole patterns. The floor recognizes foot postures, distinguishes users who interact from people walking by, and enables high-precision interaction. In addition, the floor can approximate users’ head positions based on the pressure profile in the soles and it extracts enough details from soles to allow users to play first person shooters by balancing their feet.

So precise!  Not so sure if this can ever be practically implemented, but it’s always good to see unique implementations of a multitouch interface.  Even if it involves stinky feet.

[Via YouTube; Engadget]

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