Lupe Fiasco is back. Though previous album ventures like LupE.N.D., The Great American Rap Album, and LASERS have yet to come to fruition, rapper Lupe Fiasco has no intention leaving his followers empty handed. “Enemy of the State” is a rockin’ mixtape and proves that he’s still got it. Interestingly, the original mixtape was released in cassette-style format (continuous start to finish). If you want that verison, click here. A traditional separated track-by-track version dropped later; click here for this version. Tracklist after the break.
01 Intro
02 The National Anthem (Radiohead)
03 Turnt Up (Travis Porter)
04 Fireman (Yoga Flame) (Lil Wayne)
05 L.A.S.E.R.S. Manifesto Interlude
06 Angels (rmx) (Dirty Money)
07 So Ghetto (Jay-Z)
08 Say Something (Timabaland)
09 Thank You (Jay-Z)
10 The One (Slaughterhouse)
11 Popular Demand (Clipse)
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