After a strong performance in the ratings, Fox’s hit series Glee has given the thumbs up to produce “the back nine.” This is a TV term that means a show has been ordered to create 9 more episodes in addition to the original set of 13. So what does this mean for fans of Glee? There will be a total of 13 + 9 = 22 episodes of Glee this season.
And the great news doesn’t end there. According to EW, creator, director, writer, genius Joss Whedon (Buffy, Dollhouse, Dr. Horrible) will be directing one of the back nine episodes! Apparently Whedon is a big fan of the show (who isn’t) and is enthusiastic about helping create a special episode of Glee. Glee creator Ryan Murphy: “Joss directed one of the great musical episodes in the history of television on Buffy, so this is a great, if unexpected, fit. I’m thrilled he’ll be loaning us his fantastic groundbreaking talent.” I, for one, cannot wait to see what Joss has in store for Glee. His brilliance and unique talents will only add to the amazingness that Glee has already become.
Can’t wait to watch!