I smell a contest…and boar. They guys behind Lost are posing this question to their loyal fans: ‘If Lost had a theme song during its main title screen, what would it be?’ Sounds like fun.
According to the official website: “A call to all Dharma Bassists, Bassoonists, Bandurists, Bouzouki players, Cellists, Clarinetists, Drummers, Electronic Musicians, Flautists, Guitarists, Harpists, Hornists, Keyboardists, Oboists, Pianists, Percussionists, Saxophonists, Sawists, Sitarists, Trombonists, Trumpeters, Tubists, Violinists, and any and all alike…. For this year’s Comic-Con panel, our theme is about giving back to YOU…the fans!!! It is because of you that we are celebrating our 5th year at Comic-Con, and we would love to incorporate your astounding creativity. We’d like to feature YOUR ideal version of what you think a LOST title song would be (if the show had one). Over the years, we’ve been witness to your incredibly innovative pieces on LOST, and would love to hear your fetchy melody for LOST which you were waiting to share!”
Click here to see the rules and regulations…and get cracking (or playing).