Louis CK’s got a new stand-up special for you to purchase and download and own and enjoy for five dollars. Just like before with his Live at the Beacon Theater show, the profane comedian is making it dead simple and super cheap for you to skip torrenting and directly send a few bucks his way to help cover the costs of production. CK’s popular distribution model is something that other comedians and artists have picked up on as a real stand-up way to treat paying customers looking to support and appreciate content creators. He keeps his blurb short and sweet this time, since his bold new philosophy was sufficiently laid out before.
I developed and prepared this material over the last year or so, mostly in comedy clubs. This special kind of goes back to when I used to just make noises and be funny for no particular reason. It felt right to shoot this special in a club to give it that live immediate intimate feeling. The show is about an hour long. The opening act, who is seen at the beginning (good place for an opening act) is Jay London. One of my favorite club comics going way back to the late 80s when I first started in working in New York.
I hope you like it.
Download Live at the Comedy Store at Louis’ site today. In 1080p HD. For $5. You’re welcome. This should hold you over until Louie returns to FX in April.