New ‘Game of Thrones’ season 3 trailer ups the ante (again)

In exactly two weeks time Game of Thrones will back, and if these next round of trailers have anything to prove it’s that the show is ready to elevate to entirely new level of epic. Today HBO released the second full-length trailer hyping the third season of the network’s fantasy series; and if you thought the first trailer was unbelievable, you just wait. Trailer numero dos is thirty seconds longer and manages to pack in more action, more dragons, and a freakin’ bear! The score behind it all, of course, is Daft Punk’s “The Game Has Changed” (how appropriate a title here) as made famous in Tron: Legacy. The marketing gurus behind Thrones sure know how to ignite a fire under a fanboy’s flittering heart.

Game of Thrones returns Sunday, March 31 at 9PM on HBO. After the break, catch two new teasers titled “War” and “The Beast.”

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